Rapid Culture Change

Ultra-Rapid Culture Change Is Possible. And It Lasts.

Neverboss - Empowering Leadership That Lets You Let Go

Culture change doesn’t have to be slow or painful. If you want an ultra-engaged workplace where people care and act like leaders, you can start enjoying it in a few days or weeks.

Astonishing, but it’s not theory, it’s actual experience using our proprietary process. In the end, everyone cares and bosses don’t need to boss because motivation is high, authority is shared, safety is universal, and there is no confusion. Everyone leads their own areas. Workers feel motivated to work harder at the same pay, with no change in title, because they suddenly love what they’re doing and they do what they’re good at. Everyone cares about the vision because they helped create it.

In the end, the change lasts because it’s refreshing, fun, and built in from top to bottom. It’s a new way of life that it doesn’t depend on specific personalities, so there’s more opportunity and leaders are free to move up or move around. Leadership at all levels becomes a new asset for your team, department, or company.

Culture Change As You Work, Without Boring Seminars

Most amazing of all, this all happens while everyone does their usual work.

The Hands-Off Leadership™ System

How is that even possible?

It’s a process we’ve developed since 2006, when we transformed personal productivity for executives, teams, and companies. Now we apply it to rapid culture, leadership, and company change.

The process is loosely based on Theory of Constraints—find the smallest changes that give the greatest relief the fastest and start there, then move to the next ones.

It’s called the Neverboss model. We begin with simple-but-powerful, foundational CULTURE changes that grease the skids for smooth work: guardrails (principles) that allow personal ownership and initiative without chaos; radical relief from meetings fatigue; universal safety so people start speaking up; redefining leadership and followership from “take control” and “take orders” to “everyone a leader in their areas.”

Once these basic CULTURE changes start to take hold, we move on. We create universal CLARITY so coordinated action naturally increases and confusion ends, then we ensure solid CAPABILITY, and so forth.

Familiar with Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink? The bottom two Neverboss layers allow AUTONOMY. The next two power MASTERY, the final two drive PURPOSE—the three elements of Pink’s Motivation 3.0.

Designed With Human Nature In Mind

Culture change one step at a time, based on principles of human nature.

The culture change process relies on human nature. Listen deeply (and 100% confidentially) and they feel hope. Show them a simple path based on familiar principles and an outcome they want—and solid evidence that it works—and their hope turns to confidence. Quickly remove what they hate and deliver what they want most (which isn’t money, believe it or not!), and they love and fight for the change instead of fearing it.

The process has six levels. Each small, simple step has immediate, tangible benefits, which is another part of human nature: we have to see it working fast. And they do, which only increases their confidence and motivation in the process.

Finally, changes are made just-in-time, resolving real issues they face right now as they do their regular work.

Instead of talking about boring meetings, transform them at the start of their very next meeting. (After only 5 or 10 minutes of instruction, they dive right in to change their meetings into action-adventure, no-holds-barred, problem-solving sessions, tackling real burning issues. Because they learn-by-doing, culture change is immediate, and it sticks.) Fix communication problems and email inboxes naturally stop piling up. Push authority to information instead of the other way around, and people who see problems can start fixing them. And they will.

Three Paths—Your Choice

You can get started now. Begin on any of the following three paths and switch to another at any time.

We Do It

Rapid Change Executive

As rapid change executives we lead the change from within your firm. Your leaders are ready to take over when we’re done.

Scope: Larger. Suitable for a company, division, or department. See Are We Too Big Or Small?

Venue(s): Onsite + Virtual. Delivered onsite with an option of up to 3/4 virtual to reduce cost.

Timeframe: Ultra-Fast. NO uncertainty. 1st results: days. Culture change: 90 days. Final changes: 6-12 months.

Price: Sr. Exec Salary. Usually equiv. to a top senior exec. salary in your firm or dept. Temporary cost, lasting change.

Guaranteed Results. You will see rapid positive change or you don’t pay. See exact terms.

Start with a free consultation. We do a no-cost Leadership Analysis and Design (up to ~$5000 value) if a match is likely.


We Help You Do It

Rapid Change Coach/Trainer

As rapid change coaches and trainers we guide you through the change. You learn hands-on as you enjoy fast results.

Scope: Any. Suitable for a company, division, department, team or individual. See Are We Too Big Or Small?

Venue(s): Virtual w/Onsite Option. Delivered by phone, video and/or Skype with an optional onsite kickoff.

Timeframe: Fast. Low uncertainty. 1st results: days. Culture change: 4-6 mos. Final changes: 12-24 months.

Price: Coach/Consultant. Usually like hiring a seasoned coach for the group until change sticks. See You CAN Afford Us.

Guaranteed Sessions, Guaranteed Results. You will love every session or we make it right, immediately. And you’ll see rapid positive change or you don’t pay. See exact terms.

To Start: Do a free consultation. We’ll listen, ask lots of questions, and make exact recommendations for your situation.


You Do It

Do-It Yourself, Your Own Pace

You drive the change using the Neverboss model, principles, and resources. You learn and feel success at every step.

Scope: Any. Suitable for a company, division, department, team or individual. See Are We Too Big Or Small?

Venue(s): Virtual/Onsite. Onsite or virtual per your work situation.

Timeframe: You decide. As you learn. 1st results: weeks. Culture change: 6-18+ mos. Final changes: 18-36+ mos.

Price: Tools + Your Time. Minimal cash. Books, online/free tools. Learning time may cost you lost opportunities.

Help available. Contact us if you’re stuck. Add a coach/consultant anytime.

Start with the book or a free consultation to get started right. Your success is our mission!


Side-by-Side Comparison

We Do It

As rapid change executives we lead the change from within your firm. Your leaders are ready to take over when we’re done.

We Help

As rapid change coaches and trainers we guide you through the change. You learn hands-on as you enjoy fast results.

You Do It

You drive the change using the Neverboss model, principles, and resources. You learn and feel success at every step.


What is this suitable for?(See Are We Too Big or Small?)


Company, Division,Department


Company, Division, Department, Team, Individual


Company, Division, Department, Team, Individual


Where is it delivered?


OnsiteOptional up to 3/4 virtual for less cost


Virtual (phone/vid)Optional on-site kickoff


Onsite or virtual per your work situation


How long does it take?

Ultra Fast

NO uncertainty1st results: DaysCulture: 90 daysComplete: 6-12 months


Low uncertainty1st results: DaysCulture: 4-6 moComplete: 12-24 months

You Decide

As you learn1st results: WeeksCulture: 6-18+ moComplete:18-36+ months


What is the price?

Sr. Exec Salary

Usually equivalent to a top senior exec. salary in your firm or dept., but the cost is temporary for lasting change.

Coach / Trainer

Usually like hiring a seasoned coach for the group until the change sticks. See You CAN Afford Us.

Tools +Your Time

Minimal cash. Books, online tools and online or free trainings. But learning time may cost you lost opportunities.


Is it guaranteed?


You’ll see rapid change you love or you don’t pay. See exact terms.


You’ll love every session, with rapid change you love or you don’t pay. See exact terms.

No, But…

Contact us so we can help if you’re stuck. Add a coach/consultant anytime.

To Start

How do you get started?

Free Consultation


Start with a free consultation. If a match is likely, we’ll discuss next steps in that call.

Free Consultation


The first step is a free consultation. We’ll listen, ask lots of questions, and make exact recommendations for your situation.

Book or Free Consultation

Start with the book or a free consultation to get started right. Your success is our mission!