Become a Certified Empowering Leader
Create empowering organizations without breaking a sweat, wherever you go, whatever your role.
The Transformation Starts Now
See rapid change you love, every step of the way
Actual Results of ELU Training
See and compare your progress
ELU tracks your sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose—the three elements of Motivation 3.0 (Dan Pink)—as well as your confidence as a leader and how much you LOVE your job. (These are actual combined results from ELU trainees.)

The End-to-End Leadership Development Platform That Evolves With You
Empowering leadership is a vibrant, agile practice used worldwide. Its methods are constantly expanding and improving in collaboration with people like you, in every industry. Those changes are reflected in constantly expanding and updating modules that transform as you do.
Actual Results of ELU Training
See and compare your progress
ELU tracks your sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose—the three elements of Motivation 3.0 (Dan Pink)—as well as your confidence as a leader and how much you LOVE your job. (These are actual combined results from ELU trainees.)
Learn new skills quickly in small chunks
Practice your new skills as you work
Certify your new skills with your mentor, coach, or community
What They're Saying About Empowering Leadership
Neverboss is the way of the future. As a Director of a large organization and someone who is always looking for ways to improve my own leadership, I found the principles to be solid and easy to apply. The results speak for themselves with the lower turnover and happier employees.
Intro to ELU

Discover what empowering leadership is and how it will change your life. Set up the basic tools for learning, practicing and mastering your new skills. Choose a coaching or self-coaching option. Start measuring your progress.
Full Course

Become a Certified Empowering Leader with all the tools of empowering leadership. Master your new skills AS you work, unleashing ownership and initiative around you. (US $695, one-time purchase.)