

NEVERBOSS, PRIACTA, and WHO’S IN CHARGE HERE? are registered trademarks and HANDS-OFF LEADERSHIP (see below), LEADERSHIP STEPS, and the relaxed hierarchy symbol (shown at left) are trademarks of Priacta, Inc. dba Neverboss, a USA Delaware Corporation.

HANDS-OFF LEADERSHIP is also an “open” trademark of Neverboss/Priacta, Inc. (Quick licensing information.)

Attribution and Thanks

Certain icons used on this site are unmodified from the IcoMoon – Free icon collection provided by under the GPL and/or CC BY 4.0 and/or CC BY-ND 4.0 licenses. Other icons used on this site are from Font Awesome by Dave Gandy and Material Icons by Google.

Highrise Meeting theme image by Charles Forerunner, CC0 license.

Steps image by Lindsay Henwood, CC0 license.

Fashion Hipster Men by Zak Suhar, CC0 license.

Success by Julia Caesar, CC0 license.

Factory Floor by Ekkasit Chaingam, CC0 license.

Industrial Building by Pashminu Mansukhani, CC0 license.

Russian Office Space by David Mark, CC0 license.

Business Desserts by Alicia Zinn, CC0 license.

Bangkok Ancient Architecture by Sasin Tipchai, CC0 license.

Brand Business Guarantee and Interactive Whiteboard by OpenClipart-Vectors, CC0 license.

Balance Stones Meditation Zen by Alex Koch, CC0 license.Magnetic Whiteboard by PIX1861, CC0 license.Silouette Meeting Connection by Samuel Zeller, CC0 license.Running Late to Meeting by Andy Beales, CC0 license.Egg and Hammer Threatening Fear and Crossroads by Steve Buissinne, CC0 license.Network Connection Business Idea and Time for Change by Gerd Altmann, CC0 license.Telephone Telegraph Pole and Wire by Andrew Martin, CC0 license.China Electric Wiring by PublicDomainPictures, CC0 license.Emergency Exit by Lorenzo Cafaro, CC0 license.Technology Education by LTDSupport, CC0 license.